Well gang I didn't get HIGH last night!!!!!For me thats's GREAT. Didn't really want to get HIGH,but do like getting there.I once had 8 yrs., but I know that it all starts with day ONE.The stats. say that some people will go back to using .but if they CAN get back to being SOBER they will stay sober longer each time. Now that doesn't mean that all people "fall off the wagon". There are vast numbers whom NEVER go back to thier drug of choice.This isn't abut them but me.
This is how I feel most days. Split about which way to go.
Knowing that Drugs in any form (for me that is) is a DEATH sentence. Destroying myself in the process of temporally pleasing self. I'm going to swich topics now becuse I feel goof about myself tody and that's part of why people get HIGH in the first place, Not feeling OK within self. Now one of the other things I like to do is read. Now most other people like to read, but even as a child I'd read anything I could get my hands on.

Besides cards and reading I do enjoy COOKING,and like what I cook. Been married twice and there childern in both realtionships. Cooking was part of what we shared. Yes I was, or rather the type of man who shares in household chores.Well it's taken me more than asn hour to post this, looking for pics I thought would be fun to see.Still there isn't anyone reading this stuff but it's doing me good. By the time I get to treatment I'll be more than ready to TELL IT ALL. Until we meet again
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